3D Scan was carried out for the historical building of Al-Imam Ali Primary School for boys in Hebron

11/05/2023 | Med-Quad | Today, a 3D Scan was carried out for the historical building of Al-Imam Ali Primary School for boys in Hebron as part of MED-QUAD workplan, where ARCHEO Lab team members carried out the task in cooperation with staff from Civil Engineering Department of the Faculty of Engineering at the Palestine Polytechnic University. In addtion, with the CDG members participation, from the university and the municipality, which is represented by the director of the Department of Tourism and Cultural Heritage in Hebron Municipality. The idea and objectives of the project were explained to the school principal and members of the teaching staff, as well as its importance in preserving and marketing the cultural heritage and supporting the local digital economy. The host expressed interest and cooperation in completing the work.