ENI CBC Med is a hub for cooperation in the Mediterranean region that faces a multitude of common challenges, including youth unemployment and social inequality. It is the largest Cross-Border Cooperation (CBC) initiative implemented by the EU under the European Neighbourhood Instrument (ENI), named as 2014-2020 ENI CBC “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme”.
The Programme brings together the coastal territories of 14 EU and partner countries in view of fostering fair, equitable and sustainable development on both sides of the EU’s external borders. Through calls for proposals, ENI CBC Med finances cooperation projects for a more competitive, innovative, inclusive and sustainable Mediterranean area.
The strategic framework of the Programme is based on Thematic Objectives and Priorities oriented mainly to face socio-economic and environmental challenges of the Mediterranean region. The Programme is managed and supported by a series of different bodies that are responsible for ensuring the efficient and smooth implementation of the Programme and the projects. All countries have an equal say in the Programme decisions and in the selection of projects, in line with the principle of co-ownership.